Raising Beef Template

Your page title will be the ranch or family name. Update the page settings to add the summary of the rancher profile. This will automatically pull into the dark gray section next to the ranch or family image at the top of the page.

SBC - Article Headline [Headline 2]

SBC - Paragraph

Vivamus eget eros posuere, efficitur turpis et, molestie magna. Vestibulum id nunc purus. Nulla facilisi. Donec libero ipsum, semper at finibus sit amet, consectetur a sapien. Sed placerat risus quis arcu volutpat faucibus. Nulla mattis neque sed dui pulvinar, sed feugiat eros varius. Aliquam tincidunt ultrices dignissim.

SBC - Paragraph

Heading 3

SBC - Meet Your Rancher: [Headline 3]

Question One? [Headline 4]

Vivamus eget eros posuere, efficitur turpis et, molestie magna. Vestibulum id nunc purus. Nulla facilisi. Donec libero ipsum, semper at finibus sit amet, consectetur a sapien. Sed placerat risus quis arcu volutpat faucibus. Nulla mattis neque sed dui pulvinar, sed feugiat eros varius. Aliquam tincidunt ultrices dignissim.

Question Two? [HEADLINE 4]

Vivamus eget eros posuere, efficitur turpis et, molestie magna. Vestibulum id nunc purus. Nulla facilisi. Donec libero ipsum, semper at finibus sit amet, consectetur a sapien. Sed placerat risus quis arcu volutpat faucibus. Nulla mattis neque sed dui pulvinar, sed feugiat eros varius. Aliquam tincidunt ultrices dignissim.

Question Three? [HEADLINE 4]

Vivamus eget eros posuere, efficitur turpis et, molestie magna. Vestibulum id nunc purus. Nulla facilisi. Donec libero ipsum, semper at finibus sit amet, consectetur a sapien. Sed placerat risus quis arcu volutpat faucibus. Nulla mattis neque sed dui pulvinar, sed feugiat eros varius. Aliquam tincidunt ultrices dignissim.

Download Raising Beef Rancher Profile Template 

Use the "SBC Raising Beef" Layout for these pages.

sBC - Ranch Location

City, State

Use this layout section to place the Social Sharing post and the lifecylce stage. 

Place an existing post and filter to "Site Extensions." Select Social Sharing. Place another existing post from Site Extensions and select from Backgrounding, Cow/Calf or Feeder.


Between 6-12 months of age, cattle spend time at stocker and backgrounder farms and ranches where they graze on a variety of pastures. Here they gain weight and convert forage and grass into lean protein.

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Cows are bred and calves are born and raised every year on cow-calf farms and ranches, spending time grazing on grass pastures within sight of their mothers.

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Cattle spend their final 4-6 months at a feedyard being fed a scientifically-balanced diet and receiving daily care.

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